
一个有 n 个结点的连通图的生成树是原图的极小连通子图,且包含原图中的所有 n 个结点,并且有保持图连通的最少的边。 [1] 最小生成树可以用kruskal(克鲁斯卡尔)算法或prim(普里姆)算法求出。摘自百度



prim wiki

The algorithm may informally be described as performing the following steps:

  1. Initialize a tree with a single vertex, chosen arbitrarily from the graph.
  2. Grow the tree by one edge: of the edges that connect the tree to vertices not yet in the tree, find the minimum-weight edge, and transfer it to the tree.
  3. Repeat step 2 (until all vertices are in the tree).



kruskal wiki


  • create a forest F (a set of trees), where each vertex in the graph is a separate tree : 把图中所有的点作为一个单独的树放到集合F中

  • create a set S containing all the edges in the graph : 把图分解成树,每个树包含一条边

  • while S is nonempty and F is not yet spanning : s不为空,表示还有边没加入到生成树中; F不连通,说明还有孤立的点, spanning是连通的意思

    • remove an edge with minimum weight from S : 先择权值最小的边

    • if the removed edge connects two different trees then add it to the forest F, combining two trees into a single tree : 如果这个边连接了两个不同的树则把这个边加入到F中,这样就把两个不同的树连在了一起
